top banking coaching in kolkata
  • GSCE is the most trusted banking entrance coaching centre in Kolkata. Our coaching centre offers comprehensive training for bank exam coaching. Our course material includes training for Bank PO / Clerical Examinations (IBPS CWE & SBI).
  • The numbers of students in our classes are always kept low in every batch so that teachers can give proper attention to all students. We conduct regular doubt clearing sessions for the students' benefit.
  • Our bank exam coaching centre leaves no stone unturned to prepare students for all the rounds of examinations and interviews. Our experts have prepared lots of mock test series and practice papers observing the exam patterns of IBPS CWE / SBI (PO/ Clerical).
  • GSCE is the best coaching for banking exams for all aspiring students.

Eligibility: As per the criteria of the exam

Duration: 3/6 months (1-2 days a week, per day 2-3 classes)

Class Duration: 1.5 Hours Each

banking coaching in kolkata
best banking coaching in kolkata
best coaching for banking in kolkata
Outline (Objective, Descriptive & Interview):

Objective : Reasoning, English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry, Computer Knowledge, Marketing, Socio Economic Topic etc.

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